If you are in Albany County, homeless, and are a victim of Domestic Violence.
526 Central Avenue,
Albany, NY 12206Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 AM to 4:30 PM
Please call Equinox Confidential Hotline for more information: (518) 432-7865
Albany County Department of Social Services
162 Washington Avenue,
Albany, NY 12210Please consider calling the dedicated emergency hotline as an alternative to visiting the building in person.
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Equinox Confidential Hotline
24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline at (518) 432-7865
Equinox Domestic Violence Services provides crisis intervention, information, referral, advocacy, counseling, and emergency shelter to all victims of domestic violence and elder abuse. All services are free and confidential.
St. Anne Institute Runaway & Homeless Youth Shelter
If you are in Albany County, homeless, and are under 18 years of age.
40 North Main Avenue,
Albany, NY 12203
*Drop-ins welcome24-hour Hotline: (518) 437-6523
Safe Inc. of Schenectady Homeless Youth Shelter
Homeless and Travelers Aid Society (HATAS)
Building is temporarily closed for safety precautions.
138 Central Avenue,
Albany, NY 12206After Hours? Need Emergency Shelter
Call HATAS 24 hours at (518) 463–2124.